Posts Tagged ‘ Kashmiris ’

Solidarity with Kashmiris

Jan 17th, 2017 | By

By Tariq Rizwan February 5, each year is observed as a Kashmir Day when a part of Kashmir was liberated from India called Independent Kashmir (in Urdu it is called Azad Jummu & Kashmir – AJK in 1948. In Pakistan, AJK is recognized as a separate state with a Parliament, Prime Minister, President and other

Mapping Kashmir’s Cycle of Discontent

Aug 31st, 2016 | By

By Asma Khan Lone Kashmir has erupted once again, engulfed by yet another cycle of conflict and violence—its Sisyphean bane. The trigger this time is the killing of rebel commander, Burhan Wani, the tech-savvy poster boy of the militant organization Hizb Ul Mujahideen. His killing led to an outpour of emotions and anger on the

Kashmir and Palestine: The story of two occupations

Aug 25th, 2016 | By

By Goldie Osuri Goldie Osuri is the author of Religious Freedom in India: Sovereignty and (Anti) Conversion. The growing pockets of solidarity expressed for Kashmiris are heartening, as is the solidarity for Palestinian struggle. The India and Israel alliance has been described as a full-blown romance, but the ongoing siege of Kashmir makes this a

In Solidarity With Kashmir and Kashmiris

Jul 29th, 2016 | By

We the undersigned, in United Kingdom and internationally are deeply concerned about the armed violence perpetrated by the Indian state through its 700,000 strong army on civilians in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir since the 8th of July 2016. More than 47 people have been killed on the pretext of crowd control since then. More

Repealing AFSPA Only won’t Make Much Difference in Kashmir

Jul 27th, 2016 | By

By Ishaal Zehra While it’s been four years that the United Nations has asked India to repeal the controversial Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, the Indian Army has continued with its horrendous practice of killing innocent, un-armed Kashmiris taking the death toll to 64 in a recent strife that hit the valley of Kashmir after

Kashmir Case: A Story of Letters and Telegrams

Jul 27th, 2016 | By

Kashmir Case: A Story of Letters and Telegrams By Sohail Parwaz The miseries and sacrifices of Kashmiris have different angles. It has been covered by the writers, researchers and the historians in different ways. Thousands of books and papers have been written about the gruesome tales. Amongst them few have taken pain to cover and

Kashmir Has Its Own Identity

Jul 27th, 2016 | By

Kashmir Has Its Own Identity To the Editor: The headline from your July 22 editorial, “Kashmir in Crisis” could not sum up the situation in Kashmir better. You noted that “The unrest is a major setback for peace in the long-troubled region claimed by both India and Pakistan.” We would like to stress that the

A brutal majoritarianism in Kashmir and elsewhere

Jul 26th, 2016 | By

The upsurge of anti-Kashmiri hatred in India reveal that the impulse to identify, ostracize and eliminate various supposed enemies is increasingly licensed everywhere by popular sentiment. The Muslim-majority valley of Kashmir has been under curfew since 8 July, when Indian security forces killed a popular young separatist named Burhan Muzaffar Wani. Since then, security forces

Death and freedom: For peace in the land of Kashmir, we must have genuine empathy with its people

Jul 26th, 2016 | By

By TM Krishna If we pride ourselves on our diversity, we need to accept that there are some who question the idea of our nation. Maut is an Urdu word of Arabic origin meaning death. But the moment I enunciate it with the little acoustic twirl around the “au”, I can feel myself in a

Heroes are not pawns: Army officer’s daughter exposes pseudo nationals

Jul 18th, 2016 | By

By Donita Angela Jose ‘I love our defence force, but I’m critical about how it functions in Kashmir.’ Just to widen this nationalism versus jingoism debate. I’m the daughter of an Army officer and I would never let anybody undermine the agonies of an Army man who guards his nation by keeping his own body